Know The History Of Christmas before Merry Christmas 2023

Celebrations of merry Christmas vary around the world, but the main spirit of the holiday is joy. Families gather around a festive table to celebrate the holiday with food, gifts, and companionship. Children are often excited to receive new toys and games, while adults may savor a festive meal or enjoy a festive drink.

In some cultures, people celebrate Christmas by decorating their homes with festive lights and garland. Families may attend religious services or gather around a tree to sing carols. In some countries, people also exchange presents on Christmas Day.

To know the Christmas evolution and history is very important as we all are celebrating the Merry Christmas Every year and Merry Christmas 2023 is Coming soon. This article will help to increase the knowledge of history of Christmas and Santa Claus.

Content: History of Christmas

  1. The Story of Santa Claus
  2. Evolution of Christmas.
  3. Short History of Jesus Christ’s Birth Date.

The Story of Santa Claus

-The story of Santa Claus also begins in the fourth century with the death of Nicholas, a beloved Turkish bishop. The anniversary of his death became known as Saint Nicholas Day. On December six good children woke to gifts from the kindly saint. that children socked away with nothing. In Holland he was known as Sinterklaas.

-Fifteen hundred years later in America a seminary professor named Clement Clarke Moore reimagined the legend of St. Nicholas. In 1822 more wrote a poem called the night before Christmas about a good-natured saint named Santa Claus. who was pulled by a group of reindeer and came down the chimney on Christmas eve.

-Eve like St. Nicholas Santa Claus spread good cheer and gave gifts to children. less clear was exactly what Santa Claus looked like? Then, in 1863, Thomas Nast, a cartoonist for Harper's weekly settled the matter once and for all with his version of the Christmas. Santa with a full white beard and a sack full of toys and an American icon was both.

Evolution of Christmas

-Ancient revelers would have a hard time recognizing our modern Christmas. But if you think of the holiday, centuries ago as, an idyllic season of peace. think again-Christmas was earthier, unrestrained and fun. What Christmas looked like? doesn't look an awful, not like a sort of solemn biblically oriented holiday. It looks like something else. It looks like it's always looked. Frankly, it was a kind of festival of celebration and revelry.

-By the seventeenth century religious reformers were losing patience with the rowdier Christmas traditions. They decided the holiday was simply too much fun and they decided to ban Christmas altogether. But how could Christmas be outlawed? There is a kind of backlash against Christmas among protestant groups. You find a desire to not celebrate Christmas, repudiation of Christmas as kind of a catholic invention. Frankly, something that the church happily allowed happened.

-Pious settlers from England looked upon the holiday with suspicion and when European settlers came to America. The newly formed puritan colony of Massachusetts wanted no part of the holiday and in 1659 it banned Christmas too. The puritans of New England were very well aware of the pagan associations with the celebrations of the winter solstice, and they wish to avoid any kind of association with that.

-The colonies began to spread down the coast and settlers in the mid-Atlantic region. were much less conservative by the mid 1700. These colonists adopted many of their Christmas traditions from Europe. but there were still a number of revelers, who kept the rowdy behavior of the past alive. but as America matured showed so did it's Christmas customs as the well-to-do launched a crusade against rowdy Christmas.

-Respectable middle-class Americans wanted to take the rowdy Christmas. the public Christmas that took place outdoors and moved indoors. when used by people who had property. They were afraid of destruction. they were afraid of losing things that being own. so, they want to take this public rowdy event and take it from the streets and bring it into the home and make the focus of Christmas around the family, around this private gathering that takes place in the house.

Short History of Jesus Christ’s Birth Date

-Christ’s birthday remained a mystery since the bible doesn't mention exactly when he was born. it is theorized the church adopted the date as the birth of Christ child. In the fourth century the church made it. officially declaring December twenty fifth as the feast day of the nativity.

-The church knew it could not outlaw the pagan traditions of Christmas. so it came to accept them. The evergreens traditionally brought in doors were decorated with apple's symbolizing the garden of Eden. These apples would eventually become Christmas ornaments.

Whatever tradition you celebrate, we hope you have a joyous and memorable Christmas!

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