Top 10 Favorite Tips For Decorating Christmas Tree

Top 10 favorite tips for decorating Christmas tree. I use some of these tips on every single tree to decorate. some of them, I only use when appropriate. But, every single one of these tips is guaranteed to enhance your tree if you use them.

Top 10 favorite tips for decorating Christmas tree as follow.

1) To Add Light To The Top Of Your  Christmas Tree
2) Make Sure Your Christmas Tree Itself Has Enough Lights
3) How To Give Flocked Look To Christmas Tree
4) How To Decorate Your Tree From The Inside Out
6) Best Ways To Hanging Your Ornaments On The Outside Branches
7) How to Decorate Your Christmas Tree From The Outside
8) To Invest In Your Ribbon
9) How You Can Use For Your Christmas Tree Skirt
10) How to decorate underneath your Christmas tree

Top 10 Favorite Tips For Decorating Christmas Tree
We wish you a very Merry Christmas

1) To Add Light To The Top Of Your  Christmas Tree

To add light to the top of your tree by incorporating it somehow into the tree topper. Now an easy way to do this is to actually get a lit tree topper. So, through the years, I found several different options. I purchased things like a star. Which I use on one of my trees and most recently I've found these lights which are called umbrella lights and you can use them in a variety of ways but one of those ways is incorporating it into the tree topper.

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If you don't have a lit tree topper or maybe doesn't match the vibe of what you're doing with the rest of the tree topper. there's a couple of other ways that you can do it. One of them is to get something like this type of Spotlight. Which is not designed for Christmas trees at all. It's just an LED bulb and a light socket but you can add that to the top of the tree.                                                                                           
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Also, another good tip is, if you are adding light to your tree’s leaves- a little bit extra on the top light Strand and actually wind that around the top of the tree and the reason for this is a lot of times we put a lot of effort into having very well-lit trees themselves. But, then when you get to the Top, If you don't think about how to incorporate light up. There it looks a little uneven, it just looks very dark and heavy. By adding light it's going to look a little more even balanced out.


2) Make Sure Your Christmas Tree Itself Has Enough Lights

Speaking of Lights, the next tip is to make sure your tree itself has enough lights. A good rule of thumb is, if your tree is kind of a general width, 7.5 or 8 feet tall or under. You want to have at least 100 lights per every foot of the tree. If your tree is 9 feet or higher then you may even want to go up to 100-150 lights per foot and most pre-lit trees don't come with that many lights on them. 

A lot of times you're going to need to add your own. When you're adding additional lights, actually add lights that have a function like a twinkle setting like this and what I like to do with these types of Lights is actually run them just a little bit more on the inside of the tree. That way the tree looks like it's twinkling from within. It actually has a really nice glow and this is my favorite set and I pretty much do this on every single one of my trees.


What you can do when you have a tree that's maybe not as full looking as you would like. Maybe it's old, maybe it's just not very good quality and you don't want to be able to see through it quite as easily. What I like to do in those cases is to actually fill it on the inside with some kind of material. My favorite type of material to use is actually called fabric mesh. it's not quite the same as your traditional deco mesh. Because, it's a lot softer material and I think easier to work with and this is something that I do with a couple of my trees. They are a little bit older but otherwise they still work fine. I will run this on the inside of the tree as I'm setting the tree up. That's way it keeps your eye from being able to see through the tree. 

Of course, you can also use deco mesh for this and I do that as well. when I can't find a fabric mesh. maybe in the color scheme that I'm looking for and so my tip with using deco mesh would be to cut it up into manageable pieces. Because, I find that deco mesh likes to curl and kind of roll up and poke and all of that. Cutting it up into maybe three foot long pieces makes it a lot easier to basically do the same thing by shoving into the inside of the tree and using it to kind of help block the eye from being able to see through.


3) How To Give Flocked Look To Christmas Tree

All right I really like tip number four and that is how you take a regular green tree and make it look like a flocked tree. For this my tip is to basically take an unlit flocked Garland and to cut it up into pieces that are say two feet, three feet long and then as you're setting up the tree. take each section. Kind of lift up the section above and actually put this in like kind of creating a shelf. To be able to put this right on the outside. The great thing about look is that it'll not only make the tree look more full, but it gives you that flocked look.
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4) How To Decorate Your Tree From The Inside Out

Tip number five is to decorate your tree from the inside out and what I mean by this is before you start putting ornaments on the outside of the tree. Think about putting some ornaments more on the inside of the tree. For this typically I suggest using inexpensive ornaments, maybe a little bit bigger ornaments or reflective ornaments. 

Once again this is one of those tips that's going to help trick your eye. Because, when it starts to look into the tree it's going to see something light bright shiny. That's going to bounce the eye back out and not be able to see through. Something like a ball is a great way to do that and typically doesn't cost a lot of money. Then, you can save the outside branches for your most showy special ornaments.


6) Best Ways To Hanging Your Ornaments On The Outside Branches

Tip number six is how you can Best ways to hanging Ornaments and I know you're probably thinking like what do you mean shouldn't I just hang it. How hard can that be but actually there are ways to make it look better than others. So, let's say you've got something with one of the little built-in strings that you can hang from. 

You don't want to just hang that from the tip of the branch. I mean you could, but it probably hangs a little awkwardly. It probably kind of sticks out from the tree and just doesn't look quite as good as it could. What I recommend that you do when something has a built-in string hanger. You put it around the branch but then you pinch it and you actually wrap it around until it hangs right underneath the branch. That way it kind of looks a little more natural like it is hanging directly from something and it can Nestle in between the branches that are right there.


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Let's say it didn't have a string hanger, it just had a little metal hook and you needed to add your own hanger to it. Please, don't just get one of the super long hangers and just hang it from that and then have it do kind of the same thing. What you can do is either get a shorter hanger or most of the time these hangers either the metal ones or the plastic ones are very bendable. Just go ahead and re-bend it. So, that once again it hangs right from the branch and doesn't have a lot of space underneath.

Of course, for ornaments that don't really need a hanger. That you can just Nestle into the branches, and they'll stay right where they put them, maybe something that's got a certain shape or Texture that allows it to do that. Then just stick it in the tree and as long as you don't have kids or animals that are going to be jostling the tree around. It should stay right where you put it just fine.

7) How to Decorate Your Christmas Tree From The Outside

Tip number seven is another fun one and that is to think outside the box a little bit. when it comes to what you use to decorate your tree with. So, a few different ways that I do this is sometimes when I have a tree that I think will benefit from having kind of over scale, oversized things on it. I'll take things like large balls and attach them kind of on the outside of the tree. You can also put them on the inside as per my tip earlier. But, sometimes it's interesting to put them on the outside. But it doesn't have to be an ornament. 

You can also do something like deer. Which I'm sure is actually meant to put you know on a table or a sideboard or something like that. Well, I just stick it in the tree and it even extends Beyond things like for instance I've done that with antlers and I've even Incorporated antlers that we found on our property. You know this is just a deer shed antler that I'll stick on the tree as well and then another way you can do it is by adding things like Greenery into your tree. So, you know I've got some dried real Greenery here. I've got a pick and added things. especially to an artificial tree can do things like make your tree look a little more real. add some interesting texture and also make it look more full. So, just have fun when it comes to thinking about what you want to put on your tree.


8) To Invest In Your Ribbon

Tip number eight is to invest in your ribbon and really think about being liberal with your use of it. you can use it to create bows for the tree topper. You can use it to create bows for the tree or just use to kind of weave in and out around the tree to just once again add a little visual interest, texture, color, Etc. and a lot of times with trees I do start with inexpensive ribbon. That will get me through for a few years and once I feel like I've perfected the overall look of a tree. 

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Then a lot of times at that point I will upgrade the ribbon to say better quality ribbon, a lot of times I find some great inexpensive ribbon from places like Target at home, Hobby Lobby Walmart. But, when I'm ready to upgrade my ribbon then I like to actually go to more Christmas specialty stores, decorating warehouses, Etc. But I do have several trees that I do that are very very ribbon heavy focused. I don't actually have a lot of ornaments on them. It's really a lot of ribbon with just a few ornaments and it really makes the tree look quite interesting and special.

9) How You Can Use For Your Christmas Tree Skirt

We just have a couple of tips left and these are actually going to focus underneath the tree. You may have noticed we've kind of been working our way from the top of the tree down to the bottom and this is going to be about the tree skirt. This tip once again is about thinking outside the box thinking, Creatively about what you can use for your tree skirt. A lot of times, I like very non-traditional trees, themed trees and it can be hard to find an actual tree skirt. I think works well or sometimes they're just expensive. So, think outside the box on your tree skirt. 

One of the things that I really like using is blankets. This was an inexpensive Target blanket that I picked up that I use as a tree skirt, and you can even get a little fancier. This is some upholstery fabric that I picked up at Hobby Lobby on clearance years ago and it is really good quality. It is really unique and special because it has raw edges. I'm not a seamstress. I don't worry about that I bought enough that I just kind of tuck it under, so you don't see the edge and it just kind of creates a nice puddle or pool around the bottom of the tree.

10) How to decorate underneath your Christmas tree.

I am big on always having something underneath the tree. The easiest way to do this is just to wrap empty boxes in, say a coordinating wrapping paper. Bonus points, if you use the same ribbon as what's on your tree and just have those that you can put out year after year as soon as you put the tree up. Now, I realize some people have kids that may get Driven Crazy by having presents under the tree. That don't have anything in them so, you don't have to only reserve it for putting presents under there. You can also do things like buy items. That you might once again set out on a table or use somewhere else in your decorations and put these under or next to your Christmas tree as well.

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I've been having so much fun sharing these tips that let's go ahead and throw in a bonus one but it's not actually a tip on decorating a Christmas tree but how to use your Christmas tree throughout the year and that is to don't just keep your Christmas tree out and decorate it with Christmas things. Think about how you can decorate it for other holidays. So, I like to decorate a Valentine's tree, an Easter tree, a patriotic tree and a tree kind of fall slash Halloween and then of course Christmas. so that allows me to enjoy a little bit of holiday cheer throughout the entire year plus I get extra use out of my Christmas tree. it helps me justify maybe spending a little bit more on some nicer quality trees.

Let me know if you have any favorite tips and leave a comment down below. I hope you have a great holiday season.

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